
Spinoplasty Overview

Spinoplasty is minimally invasive surgery that treats vertebral compression fractures. Carolina Orthopaedic and Neurosurgical Associates’ (CONA) spine specialists perform in-office and outpatient Spinoplasty procedures.

How is Spinoplasty performed?

CONA spine specialists perform vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty Spinoplasty procedures:

  • Vertebroplasty injects biological cement into compression fractures to stabilize them
  • Kyphoplasty is vertebroplasty with an added step—a tiny balloon is inflated in the fractures to restore vertebral height.

Procedures are performed under general or local anesthesia.

What does Spinoplasty treat?

Spinoplasty treats vertebral compression fractures. Common compression fracture causes are injuries and osteoporosis. Pain and other unpleasant symptoms dramatically improve after recovery.

There are many degenerative diseases in elderly patients that spinoplasty can help. Degeneration of the spinal components, if left untreated, can lead to a lot of serious issues. Spinoplasty can offer stability for the spine to help heal and prevent more fractures and degeneration.

Is Spinoplasty safe?

This minimally invasive procedure is safe and effective for all patients experiencing pain associated with a degenerative issue within their spine. As with any surgery, there comes the common risks associated with anesthesia.

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